Monday, January 8, 2018

A Two-Nation Status Brings Harmony to Our World.

A Two-Nation Status Brings Harmony to Our World.
By Brother Tracy Charles Gibson
Public Broadcasting Company’s [PBS’s] look back at the President Barack Obama years ``Divided,’’ reveals much of what we have too quickly forgotten – that this is a vastly divided nation & that We will  do better to go ahead and separate into two countries – one conservative and one more liberal and left radical – and come together at points where needed only.  [And not often.]
Some of those ``come together’’ points might be to manage national parks, for control of nuclear weapons, and for approving legislation both parties can agree on. Otherwise – divide.
Adding two and two—two Democrats  + two Republicans has added up to nothing. Nothing but discomfort for everyone.
Let’s start with California, Delaware, New York, Main, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Massachusetts, Florida, Washington State, & Virginia. [ These are all state President Barack Obama won in 2008. Please look on Google for a complete list of so-called BLUE states.]
Let’s get the Native Americans to agree on a flag, or use the Black National – Black, Green & Red flag – with a gold star in the middle for our supporters as Black People. The red is for people with red skin, our blood which is so precious, and our LOVe we have for all who LOVe us authentically and support us along with LOVIng and supporting true justice, true freedom and a true sharing of wealth and resources.
Praying and putting up with the oppression we experience everyday as BLACK People is not working when we have a system that turns around every four or eight years with the vote.  [A vote that is often corrupted in some way, I must mention.] We need a vote, but let’s give the Republicans what they want as we get what we want.  When there is an election the our party, the losers, should also be able to name a President for themselves and formulate an alternative government.
We can have citizenship in both countries, but we will be wise to stay out of certain sections that some people have for themselves.
We will have good schools because we will have control over our tax base in a more permanent manner to make the legislative decisions  crucial to funding good community-controlled schools for Black People.  We will have control over our own police and will not tolerate abuse on the part of the police. We will have open access to good nourishing food. [Not from large irresponsible corporations as we grow stronger economically.] We will have access to clean energy, We will have access to clean & decent housing without having to get anything through a Republican Congress.
We can teach about Malcolm X, Cuba, Fidel, Che, Pam Africa, Ramona Africa, Michael X, The Reverend Doctor Leon Sullivan, Fanon, Sonia Sanchez, Angela Davis and so on in our schools and let them keep those books that have to get approval in Texas, which is where John Kennedy was killed and is the most racist state in the country.
We can vote out the gentrifies, the haters, and the racists. We can vote out gerrymandering, make racism literally illegal, and use the ballot box to expose bigoted companies like Wal Mart, and the people who don’t know How to LOVe or spell LOVe. We vote in the people who are immersed in Black culture, who know us and who are us. We give the Native American People back a good portion of their land that was stolen from them because we are not gentrifies, thieves, haters, or people performing the worst form of Capitalist racism.
We can utilize out vote, through a clearly open and viable process that has yet to be devised, and start food markets that work cooperatively and share profits; we can have women own their own car repair shops so they don’t get ripped off by men who know more about care than they do; we can stop making day care for children a welfare issues with minimum wages and make it a real issues where children, families and children are treated with grace, respect and dignity; We can stop hating on Gay and Lesbian Black People simply because they LOVe differently than the majority; and we can stop war which are fought for fatter corporate profits and to make room for U.S. corporate existence on foreign soil. These things can be done on a more long-lasting basis with the two countries solution.  I guarantee that once we get used to this solution, we will find it more workable than flipping and flopping like a flounder out of water every four or eight years as our legislators play tug of war with our very lives.  

If you would like to support the work of Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson anonymously, please call His lawyer Mr. Ron Harper at 1 (215) 844.4848 and give them all three of these Black codes. Your identity will not be revealed. Code ONE – PA 7537521    CODE TWO  --  PA 854219   CODE Three  --  6658956.
Funding is not tax deductible.
Mr. Gibson is dealing with an emotional disability, but is highly functional. He works towards social justice; an end to racism;  free access to mental health; free inner- city transit systems; access to healthy food and nourishment for all dwelling in free territories; Native American land rights and free education for Native Americans; Free education with pay for Black students; reasonable growth and development without gentrification; full employment; free speech and open access to media; access to the arts to the public at no cost for the poor; housing as a right; an end to police brutality; economic and educational equality and a sharing of worldwide wealth and worldwide resources in an equitable, sane & verifiable manner.
Read more articles, poems and a manuscript by Mr. Gibson at

He has a book of poetry available called ``Let the Children Gather,’’ that is available on www.LuLu.Com for $10.00. His new manuscript ``How to Live a Life as a Successful Unoppressed Black Person’’ has not yet been accepted by a major publisher and He does not have the funds to publish the 656-page document through regular channels.   It is available for free on the above blog access.  Please send this message to at least two other people you feel will be interested. Thank you. 

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