Monday, March 12, 2018

Officer Abuse and How to Stop it. New Rules

The word for beauty in Yoruba language is ``arewa’’.//

      Black Philadelphians are sick and tired of White officer night-stick justice.
    The following are official recommendations from Brother Tracy Charles Gibson, Chief, founder  and President of Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated – to help the City of Philadelphia lessen officer abuse & to improve on Black community – Officer relations.
1 ] Allow the officer rank & file to create another Officer Union so they don’t have to automatically sign onto the White racism & White Supremacy of Lodge 5.
2 ] All Officers must take a mandatory 5 – month psychiatric training course  & sensitivity training course --  successfully completing a psychiatric & sensitivity test before becoming an officer. This test & course must be jointly devised by members of the Black community, the District Attorney’s Office, City Council,   Black Clergy, & The Officer’s Department.
3 ] A mandatory film produced by the Black community MUST be shown to all officers in active duty or about to become officers. This film is ``JT,’’  with Kevin Hooks., from 1969.
4 ] Part of the training is to talk about an officer’s duty to protect all Philadelphians and all citizens, not just the rich & not just the Capitalist order & not just White Businessmen and White-owned Business establishments.
5 ] White officers are to be asked on film ``Why do you think Black youth are killed more than White youth?’’  Their answers – on film – are to be part of the mandatory training for officers…,
6 ] 17 Black youth are to be filmed being asked & answering to ``Do you hate White officers & if so Why.’’  Watching this is also mandatory training.
7 ] Members of the Black community MUST have a major say so as to what art is in all Philadelphia officer’s stations including central command.
8 ] Members of the Latina & Latino community are to be asked on camera about why Latina & Latino children have not been or are not being zeroed in on as Black youth are .
9 ] An external independent investigation from the District Attorney’s Office must be held for each and every citizen shooting  by officers.
10 ] White & Black officers singing – on film -- ``I’ll always LOVe My Mama,’’ must be part of the sensitivity training. This film is to be shown throughout the city, at community centers and officer’s stations, churches, etc.
11 ] All instances of mis-conduct, bribes, abuses, and other excesses must be fully investigated and revealed to media including Black media.
12 ] A break-the-silence Blue code / confession hot line number is to be made available to all officers & officer administrators.
     Written by Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson, Chief of our ``S’’ corporation – Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated, & our subsidiaries. We have spent the last 22 years developing strategies,  plans & inanities to support, protect, defend, educate & financially support the Black community & all good people who want to help humanity in a positive Way. We do not follow or know the details about each & every case of officer violence against Black youth in Philadelphia.

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