Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Positive - Not to be confused with HIV positive. Don't stop using this word - POSITIVE - to describe good things you want to achieve, or HAVE achieved,  or the positive influence we have on our children and the positive influence they have on us as elders! Remember the POSITIVE BLACK African Ancestors who have built a path for us to follow over our many days, weeks and months ahead.  Forgive the African ancestors alive or passed away, who did things we might consider not great, and allow them to take that forgiveness and use it as positive energy to help us attain the success we need for ourselves, our families, and our businesses!

Dream - Maybe - but with RESPECT -  Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior had the DREAM wrong. To dream of something is not controllable or measurable or verifiable. We have these dreams, but how do we even know what they are when they are instantly forgotten. EXPECTATION is what we should have. When we expect something we can judge and see what progress we have made as BLACK people, and we can see how far we have gotten on our path to these things. This is controllable and we can gage our progress.

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