Tuesday, September 18, 2018

a letter to the gentleman who occupies the White House from before He Took Office

Veterans Day November 11th, 2016 Friday

An Open Letter to Donald Trump:


By Anonymous


     You have captured the imaginations of many North Americans and enraged several others.  You have a fantastic opportunity to do something that even President Obama was unable to do. The first thing I would do is make sure you push through President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee who was rejected and not approved yet by Congress.  The Congressional disapproval on the part of mostly Republicans was a case of racism on the part of the Republican Party.  This is a test from GOD. If you prove that you will not be the same ole partisan type of President who rules with an iron fist one party over the other, you will probably have only one term and not have much of a legacy.   I would rise above this and insist the President’s nominee gets through as your first case of order.  You will have defused the angry demonstrators for a few weeks. I would look for other conciliatory, humbling things to do instead of shining up that iron glove you probably want to put on.

     Other things to do would include: reaching out to the Latin / Mexican  community; reaching out to Black business leaders with ideas and open-mindedness concerning jobs, economic development and specifics about How to achieve some economic parity along racial lines; and I would talk with the well-organized Lesbian and Gay community  about How you are going to tread lightly on their rights.

     Otherwise you will begin to tear this country apart along whatever lines and pave the Way for another Left victory in 2018. I consider our Nation the United States of Native America. I have been sent here in part to make sure that the home of Native Americans is returned back to them.   I know this flies in the face of the pro-White Nationalist corner of your constituency.  The Republican ideas are basically good ideas.  They just need to be stripped of all the racism and White Supremacy that they are so incredibly steeped in. That to me is your job. Not further tearing apart an already divided and hurting nation.

      You can choose to do these things or consider me wrong and do something else. If you choose to take a hard line, you will find demonstrators wherever you go and they won’t be friendly, jovial and kind demonstrators. They will be mean, angry and will meet you with blood in their eyes.  

     I for one don’t think racism won on Tuesday past. I happen to think, and I can prove it, I think people rejected Hillary Clinton because she is the same ole line Democratic political hack who represents unprofessionalism, greed, thug-party politics, gerrymandering, nepotism, rule of a party elite and patronage that this country has been known for, for several generations – in fact since this party and nation was founded and only rich White men were allowed to vote.

     Several People voted for you because they want a change from those things I mentioned above.  You have a golden opportunity to either help our country heal with a LOVing and healing perspective that will be the envy of almost every country in the world, or you can present yourself as a hater with an itchy finger on the put on that is ready to fight more divisive wars and bring more of our beautiful young women and men back in body bags.

     Some People think I am foolish for even writing this article because you already showed How you are going to act all through the campaign. I hope you will prove them wrong.

     I can tell you the international community – and remember this includes some 52 African countries – are looking to see what you do.  They are also looking at films such as ``13th ‘’ and seeing Black People in this country as political prisoners. More than a few countries and powerful individuals feel this country should be taken up on international charges for some of the atrocities that were included in many of the previous wars and foreign interventions that have occurred over the last 71 years since World War Two.  Hundreds of North American lives were lost usually for no viable, legitimate reasons.  We can do much better than that. I hope and pray to GOD you will understand these ideas and find ways to help people in this country who need help, but help them to help themselves. I agree with you that the welfare state has been used as a crutch and for far too long by far too many.  

You can do something that President Obama never did. Get with some visionaries of all races and determine what a decent, sustainable, LOVing, caring and fair country and world should look like. Follow this path and don’t waver from it. You can work the increases in infrastructure and jobs and opportunity right along with this plan. A youth who I am planning to teach in the near future said He thought you may surprise people with your Presidency. I am Praying He is correct. 

This article was prepared through the auspices of Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, Incorporated. If you would like to place an article on our blog, it must be with an anonymous by line.

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