Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Positive - Not to be confused with HIV positive. Don't stop using this word - POSITIVE - to describe good things you want to achieve, or HAVE achieved,  or the positive influence we have on our children and the positive influence they have on us as elders! Remember the POSITIVE BLACK African Ancestors who have built a path for us to follow over our many days, weeks and months ahead.  Forgive the African ancestors alive or passed away, who did things we might consider not great, and allow them to take that forgiveness and use it as positive energy to help us attain the success we need for ourselves, our families, and our businesses!

Dream - Maybe - but with RESPECT -  Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior had the DREAM wrong. To dream of something is not controllable or measurable or verifiable. We have these dreams, but how do we even know what they are when they are instantly forgotten. EXPECTATION is what we should have. When we expect something we can judge and see what progress we have made as BLACK people, and we can see how far we have gotten on our path to these things. This is controllable and we can gage our progress.

postal problems

December 24th, 2019 Tuesday

From: Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson,

Founder, Chief & President of

Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, INC.

Finding Ways to enhance our BLACK existence in positive and productive Ways.

Public Relations, Advertising, Advocacy for BLACK people ( especially BLACK youth), Promoting Black Businesses and Black business supports, and providing Philanthropy for our needs.

670 North 41st Street

Office B

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 – 5202

  • 1 – 215 – 823 – 9985
  • BrotherTracy11@GMail.com


Most Responsible Legislators, Senator Vincent Hughes & Congressman Dwight Evans:


Hello and good morning. I filed a complaint with the federal Post Office several months ago about my United States mail not being delivered properly. I am sure I am missing several checks and even my e-mail has been sent to draft when I am working hard to improve things for our BLACK community and working hard to be in a position to hire 300 people – mostly Black women and BLACK men.  ( By the Way, I am TOTALLY open to hiring people coming out of the prison system). PLEASE let me know what I can do in this regard to help get my mail properly so I can run my corporations properly. I have filed taxes as an individual since 2011. End message.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Legitimate Request for Funding from Mr. Tracy Gibson


An Open Letter to the following People from GOD Almighty
·       John Legend
·       * Patti LaBelle
·         Diana Ross
·       Bruce Springsteen
·       *Sting
·       * Spike Lee
·       * * Denzel Washington
·       Serena Williams
·       Laila Ali
·       Kenny Gamble
·       *Chance the Rapper
·         Queen Latifah
·       Tyler Perry
There are many well-meaning stars in Hollywood and in the music industry across this great country of ours. It is a country I call Turtle Island – like the Native Americans do – There are forces weak, but at play, that are attempting to take away part of the economic and political power of established movie stars, singers, performers, Rap artists, and celebrities such as the ones listed here. Prince warned us about the encroaching of the ``industry’’ on well-earned royalty rights, copyright infringements, creative property rights, and other legal rights to deserved income.   This miserable and foiled attempt at snuffing out progressive & revolutionary political and or economic power comes right in time to serve as a precursor for the 2020 election. The timing was no mistake. I often tell my friends that Donald Trump – The Boy Wonder – didn’t beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, he handed Her a defeat. I am convinced that not only was Mrs. Clinton the Victor in the election She was duped, swindled, cheated and stolen from, as were all the voters and our founding fathers.
     As the Blue Lights never came up on the Big Network election boards it became apparent that perplexed sad faces would later show up on some Michael Moore film and so it did -   - proof positive that the Republicans had pulled a quickie and turned a Blue Victory into a Red ``winning’’ streak that ended up actually being the blood of immigrants being held hostage in holding lock-ups; and the red blood of Black female and Black men and Black children being shot down in city streets by poorly-trained, mismanaged and sometimes ``evil ‘’ police officers; and the red blood of so many in the past who have died while working towards the political gain of formerly oppressed people. Malcolm X, (   El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz ) Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Minnie Riperton, Robert Kennedy, Sam Cook, John Lennon, Winnie and Nelson Mandela, Medgar Evers, Muhammad Ali, Ron Harmon Brown, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Junior,  and Senator Paul Wellstone..
Now our political options seem very open. The time is ripe for an alternative Social Democratic candidate to successfully take power in North America. I strongly suggest that Democrats caucus with Social Democrats to build a candidacy taking into account the real needs of average North Americans. It really isn’t as radical as all that. Optimally Donald Trump would never get the Republican nomination but, instead, would be successfully challenged by a responsible, fair-minded, open-minded, reliable, non-racist, and articulate fellow Republican who would stand for all people in business - including those sometimes left out - to have full access to the money and capital needed to lift their businesses onto success.
It is illegal for any major party to stand for racism as - GOD ALMIGHTY, I so declare it.

I also totally insist on open, free and fair elections and a certifiable process for tabulating votes and an abolition of the Electoral College.
I asked for a meeting with my Congressman Dwight Evans  in 2017 to talk about 10-year term limits on Supreme Court terms for all Supreme Court Justices. This is to be delivered retroactively and alternative Parties like the Green Party, the Social Democrats, Socialists and Communists are to be allow the opportunity to name the new 9-member court. All judges who have been on the Supreme Court for more than 10 years are expelled. I was denied the right to legitimately meet with my Congressman on this important issue which would have built true democracy into a formerly faulty system.

Thank You

Tracy Charles Gibson,

**** 2019 Annual Report for Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated; Date of Publication, December 18th, 2019 – Our 13th Anniversary.

Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson, Founder, Chief & President

Of Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated

Lifting BLACK families, and BLACK People through hard work, diligence, kindness, and focused economic effort.

   670 North 41st Street

Office B

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 - 5202
•1 215 – 823 – 9985

Due date January 3rd through January 5th, 2020.

** This year’s annual report is full of many accomplishments.  I will list only 11 of them.

**1 – I sent a letter out to the public and to the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) about women playing basketball alongside of men in the NBA. ( This is to even out salary differences and to comply with Federal laws regarding equality in sports.).

**2 – I sent out a warning about the inherent safety risks when our city traffic lights in Philadelphia are not timed correctly. This risk leaves families and children in the middle of the street when traffic is coming.

**3 – I am taking full authority for our business by ordering copies of our original incorporation papers; making sure we are filing taxes properly for the problem stemming back to the summer of 2015; and keeping our home office as clean & neat as possible. The cost of the incorporation papers is $18.00.

**4 – I am sending out a statement about treating Gay and Lesbian people in Philadelphia with respect when they are engaged in acceptable open contact in public. We asked that they be protected by police and that a de-criminalization of such acceptable social behaviors be started officially by police and City Government.

**5 – I am seeking funding for my corporation through grants.

**6 – I wrote over 46 articles on current topics like acceptable Gay and Lesbian social behaviors in Atlanta and supporting Black businesses at Gay Pride in Atlanta; why creating a guilt-free,  broad social fund  ( like a revolutionary United Way ) for the basic needs of the poor is crucial and highly recommended by me; I did Reviews of several movies, restaurants & books;  I chose NOT to attend the HIV Breakfast on November 30th, 2019 sponsored by Philadelphia Fight. Reason being, for political reasons and I chose not to support the AIDS Walkathon ( reasons being that the AIDS Walkathon should be called a ``Healthy Intimacy Walkathon’’ to generate more family and community support & the HIV Breakfast should be called the ``Healthy Intimacy Breakfast for Families’’  and to advocate for less use of PREP until we find out who makes the millions of dollars from this vital medicine that is supposed to help guard against HIV. I also am advocating for more open exchange of positive and useful information regarding sex and sexuality so our children don’t have to learn about this from the streets); I successfully demonstrated against food insecurity at a down town, Up-Scale supermarket at 18th and Spruce Street, and wrote about it on my BLOG – http://ThePoliticsofREAL.BLOGSPOT.COM

**7 – I got new personal bank accounts and closed my corporate checking account until I am ready to open it when in full production with my corporation. ( This was at the suggestion of a close church colleague from Unity Fellowship Christ Church of Philadelphia, my official home church. This really helped me move forward. ) .

** 8 – I continued to advocate for safer and cleaner drinking water for the AFRICAN continent; an end to BLACK teen smoking; healthier eating; more exercise; safe sex ( not abstaining from sex, which just creates stress, anger and disappointment; released a BLACK media curriculum for BLACK parents that was suited for BLACK teenagers.    ( This was done to help curb some of the confusing messages that major media tries to deliver to our BLACK people.  .)…   

** 9 – I attended an Urban League dinner in German Town that was designed to get inner city people interested in formalizing and professionalizing their established businesses or get on stronger footing while changing a business idea into an established business. I also joined the Philadelphia Urban League at a cost of $55.00, earlier in November. The speaker was Doctor Colona Roberts, a property owner, child care expert, and consultant, who is polite, talented, successful, wealthy and a great public speaker . I was able to ask Her at least three questions, enjoyed the meal,  and received a free copy of Her book ``The Blue Print,’’ which I read in one night.

 **10 -  I looked into the cost of re-doing my business plan ( $40.00 ), but I will need extra help on the marketing aspect. This is part of my 2020 corporate plan and expectation.

**11 – I wrote a review of the movie ``Harriet.’’ The review is available on my MOVIE Review Blog  `` A Matter of MOVIES: REVIEWS BY Brother Tracy Gibson.’’...  I also reviewed three restaurants I visited in Philadelphia.

President’s message:

I am including a message that proves where and when I worked at the Free Library of Philadelphia. It is by no means an all-inclusive list of the time I spend working on corporate business. I am requesting ( NOT demanding ) $33.00 an hour for the vital work I do for our BLACK community. Please see below.

******December 5th, 2019 I worked for 120 minutes at the Main Library’s Business and Innovation Center at 20th & The Parkway, at 4 P.M., Personal Computer Number 2, and waited 35 minutes for a computer.//

*******December 16th, 2019 I worked at Social Science and History Department at the Main Library at 20th and the Parkway, Personal Computer number 40, at 5:50 P.M. for 60 minutes. 

  President’s Notes: I HAVE A LIST OF BOOKS YOU CAN ASK ME FOR THAT WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND OUR OPPRESSION  BETTER AND HELP YOU GET A BETTER HAND ON WHAT TO DO TO INCREASE POWER FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY, & END THE FEELING OF HOPELESSNESS YOU MIGHT BE FEELING. Call me at 1 (215) 823 9985 and send me your e-mail address [or leave it clearly on my phone] and I’ll send my book list to you.  You can also buy a copy of my poetry book ``Let the Children Gather,’’ by Tracy Gibson to help me out financially. This book is available on WWW.LuLu.COM . Political, social and economic improvement costs money. My corporation is an ``S’’ corporation. I am celebrating our 13th year ( I incorporated on December 18th, 2006 ). By the Way, don’t think I did this all myself. I know GOD & many Great People helped me including my BLACK African ancestors, & all the other ancestors I have and all my family and friends and extended family have helped me enormously.   Reach us by regular mail at Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, INC.; 670 North 41st Street,; Apartment & Office B;  Philadelphia, PA 19104 - 5202. PHONE: 1 (215) 823 9985. Contributions are accepted & suggested, but not tax deductible or required. Please send in Postal Money orders ONLY and please send them in through certified mail at the Post Office. Ask any questions you want to ask and I will answer them.  This report is researched & written through the auspices of Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, INC. If you wish to write for us, ( there is a major blog at http://ThePoliticsofREAL.Blogspot.COM  )or serve on our Corporate Board, please submit an article or letter at BrotherTracy11@GMail.Com or call our home office. . Some of our articles will be written anonymously.

-          END MESSAGE -

Editor’s Notes

 Editor’s Note:  I HAVE A LIST OF BOOKS YOU CAN ASK ME FOR THAT WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND THESE SITUATIONS BETTER AND HELP YOU GET A BETTER HAND ON WHAT TO DO TO INCREASE POWER FOR YOURSELF AND END THE FEELING OF HOPELESSNESS YOU MIGHT BE FEELING. Call me at 1 (215) 823 9985 and send me your e-mail address [ or leave it clearly on my voice mail  ] and I’ll send my book list to you.  You can also buy a copy of my poetry book ``Let the Children Gather,’’ by Tracy Gibson to help me out financially. They cost of the book is $10.00 per copy.  Political improvement costs money. We ALL deserve better. There is a serious disconnect going on between what the people want and what they are able to get and achieve. The present bodies of elected officials may mean well, but people are much more than frustrated. A handsome, dashing BLACK face and a beautiful BLACK family that really doesn’t deliver to the masses of people in a Way that alleviates such social pain is NOT a REAL solution.  Health care under OBAMA was very difficult to deliver on, but our so-called two-party system has allowed some of these advances to be eroded. My corporation is an ``S’’ corporation. We are celebrating our 13th year (we incorporated on December 18th, 2006). Reach us by regular mail at Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, Incorporated; 670 North 41st Street; Apartment - Office B; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19104 - 5202. Contributions are accepted, but in NO WAY required or demanded for me to work with you or your parents ( if you are students) or directly with parents to build vital educational and information modalities to get at the truth... Donations are not tax deductible AND TOTALLY VOLUNTARY! ... This article is written through the auspices of Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, Inc. If you wish to write to us, please submit a letter at BrotherTracy11@GMail.Com or KOKAYIJESUS333@GMail.com. I live on a fixed income, ( Social Security disability) but have filed taxes for the last eight years with the Internal Revenue Service. Below  you will find my official 2019 Corporate Report from Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, INC. Please feel free to call with questions.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Do Philadelphia City Council Rules Need to Be Changes?

TO: Friends at City Council in Philadelphia;,, From Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson - Businessman // Writer //  BLACK YOUTH ADVOCATE  //   Philanthropist.

I am a long-time Philadelphia resident and have always been concerned about ethics in City Government. I am very concerned about the fact that while City Council is going on, there is often
A mention of ``LIFting the Rules of Council’’ before a vote or an action is taken. I would politely like to
Know what exactly this term means as Council carries out their city legislative business? You can reach me at 1 – 215 – 823 – 9985 . OR by mail at 670 North 41st Street; Apartment B; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 – 5202 . Thank you for your honesty and concern.  Mr. Tracy Gibson, a businessman who is planning to hire 300 people for His various business endeavors in Philadelphia very soon….

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Building BLACK Neighborhoods

About three years ago I sent WURD a message ( similar to this, but not exactly this)  about how we as BLACK people in Philadelphia can empower ourselves and turn back gentrification by reclaiming the city by
Changing our city names to Sistah Falaka Fattahville or Paul Robesonville ( WEST Philadelphia); Reverend Paul Washingtonville or Senator Roxanne Jonesville ( North Philadelphia ); Sister Marian Andersonville or Brother Octavius Valintine Cattoville ( South Philadelphia ) and  Brother State Representative David P. Richardsonville or C. Deloris Tuckerville ( Germantown). These names are only a few. Perhaps there must be some kind of plebiscite in the BLACK community to name them for ourselves ONLY, not wait for the state and local government to take such action.  Other names to be considered ( NOT A FULL LIST BY ANY MEANS):
Henry DeBernardo ( noted housing activist & organizer )
Alfonso Deal ( noted head of the NAACP after Cecil Bassett Moore)
Sonya Sanchez ( noted Poet Lauriat of Pennsylvania or Philadelphia)
Tracy Charles Gibson ( Noted businessman, Public Relations expert, Teacher & author)
Blondell Reynolds Brown ( noted City Councilwoman)
Claudia Aziza Gibson Hunter ( noted Artist, mother, and activist)
Tony Montaro ( noted Professor, Teacher, organizer and political analyst )
( Please check the spelling of some of these names. I had no success to check them
In traditional references  at the library. )
This will build solidarity; unity; and good will among BLACK people as we learn how to truly respect our neighborhoods and our people who live in them ( US). We will be able to really successfully work towards better schooling for our children; and take pride in our property by not littering and dedicating ourselves to reinvesting money to stabilize our neighborhoods for the long time we will live in them. We will take pride as we leave our property to our daughters, sons, nieces and nephews.

Thank You and GOD Bless You.

From Brother Tracy Gibson.
Founder, Chief and President

Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated

NEW KWANZAA BOOK is a great word on the subject of the BLACK cultural holiday called Kwanzaa!

There is a great new book about Kwanzaa, The African-Centered BLACK cultural holiday ( it is NOT a religious holiday )  between Christmas and New years that was created by BLACK Professor Mauana Karenga in 1966.from page 86: ``Yusef Waliyaya - The Kwanzaa Griot
Making Kwanzaa accessible fun for young people was a mission for the late Yusef Waliyaya, poet, playwright, musician, and composer from Brooklyn, New York. A cofounder of the Queens-based Afrikan Poetry Theatre, Waliyaya used its stage to educate about African history and culture, often through storytelling punctuated by his playing of rhythms on the drums and on flute. He had a particular gift for wedding music to poetry in a way that captivated children, and his band, The Medicine Man YaYa and The Black Cross Nurses, eased adult audiences unto an Afro-funk groove. '' [ end quote]
The book is called: ``A Complete Guide for Making Kwanzaa a Part of Your Life
From Holiday to Every Day’’ by Meitefa Angaza
What I like about this book is that it includes and talks about every kind of BLACK person, not just people who have deemed themselves authorities on the subject, but BLACK Lesbian poets like Audre Lorde, and BLACK Gay writer James Baldwin are also included. My hat is off (and missing, but that is not Her fault), my hat is off to Maitefa Angaza for writing such a thoughtful, well-written, hopeful, LOVely,  all-inclusive BLACK book that has descriptions of the holiday and its principles, Kwanzaa recipes, (mostly vegetarian and or very healthy.). ALSO included: what to buy for presents and gifts, ( please keep gifts non-commercial, BLACK made ( especially BLACK hand-made items), or items like books by BLACK authors; and or hand-made (BLACK ) African clothing, made through a process that does not exploit workers of any hue.). Please get this book, it comes highly recommended.  See if you can find a Black book distributor like www.WeBuyBlack.com to buy from.

This review is by Tracy Gibson.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Open Letter

An Open Letter to Reverend Kevin Taylor of Unity Fellowship Christ Church of Newark

From Jesus Christ ( also known as Tracy Gibson )

First, I am commending you for the great job you do to instill hope and LOVe in others. I have met you before and have great respect for your capabilities.

I know of your LOVe for late singer Natalie Cole, and plan to listen to her great music more often due to your influence.

Have you ever had a feeling that something isn't quite sitting correctly with someone you know, but you don't know what it is or how to alleviate the problem? This is what my Lord is telling me about you. I hope and Pray I have NEVER done anything to offend you at all. Equally important, I hope and Pray you are not taking advantage of me in any way, which you may not even know the details of. I am sure this is not true. However, there may be a third party trying to make things difficult. GOD will not stand for this. 

There is something there, but I can't quite put my finger on it. I know you are a great motivator, as I am, and that we share a similar career path, although our paths seldom meet. Just want you to know I am available for you to call anytime you wish if you need to talk about anything at all. Perhaps we could work on similar projects. Just let me know.

You can reach me though the Philadelphia church.

Gratefully True, with Kindness and Hugs,

 Tracy Gibson

Recent Restaurants Jaunts. December 13th, 2019 Friday

Recent Food Reviews

*****  Common Bar and Brill at 36th and Market. West Philadelphia.
I went here by myself on my birthday and really enjoyed myself.
I had shrimps and rice and a piece of chocolate cake and seltzer water in place of an
Alcoholic drink ( I don’t drink alcohol due to the medicine I take).  I liked the food and
Service so well, I decided to go again soon after my first visit. Highly recommended.
*****Govinda’s Gourmet Vegetarian Restaurant 1408 South Street. PHONE: - 1 - 215 – 985 - 9303
Their web page says they are ``a  Philadelphia tradition since 1985.’’ I have been going to this delightful eatery since they were open way back in the early days!
The food is very good and very vegan, but you can get things like real mozzarella cheese on your vegan chicken cheese steak; the soups are great ( not too spicy ) ; and most of the desserts are made with no milk products or eggs.  You can also get spinach or tomato Wraps that are mostly vegetable, or you can get meat-like substitutes for real meat that are tender, juicy and tasty.  ( I actually owe them $24.00 because they were kind enough to extend me credit when a Brother ( me ) was low on cash a few months ago. ) Many meals are also Halal and Kosher.  Most major credit cards are accepted, call for open hours. THANK YOU GOVINDA’S!
*****McCormick  and Schmick Seafood & Steaks  at
1 South Broad Street in Philadelphia. ( near Broad and Chestnut Street ) - 1 – 215 – 568 – 6888.
A few weeks after my last birthday, when I turned 63, I went to McCormick and Schmick Seafood & Steaks in Philadelphia with a friend and had grilled Salmon stuffed with shrimps and crab.  My companion had Grilled Sea Bass which He said was superb. The portion ( for me)  was small, but I really enjoyed the food and shared a house salad with a friend of mine.  ( Being that I am learning how to eat less and enjoy more, I didn’t mind the smaller portions).  Instead of alcohol -- I had seltzer water with lemon and skipped the desserts as I am working on avoiding sugar and butter. If this sounds austere, please remember that when someone is treating you out to dinner, it is best not to over indulge.  ( Please look for dining books on etiquette for BLACK Youth).   The food was great and I know for sure, I cannot prepare food like this because I am NOT a trained chef, even though I have my Serv.Safe certificate.  Call for hours and locations or look on their Web Page for more information.