Monday, February 11, 2019

Why I Am a Republican -- Not the Reasons You Think

Why I Am a Republican – Not the Reasons You Think
By Tracy Charles Gibson

    I, Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson, joined the Republican Party about two years ago for three major reasons.

1] As I was healing and recovering from depression and being treated for high blood pressure over the last 20 years, the Democratic Party never really took interests in me to help me find a viable job. { I have to admit that City Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell was the exception to the rule.  She actually sent out resumes and work requests for me several years ago, but I still could not find a job. }.  All I needed was about 20 hours a week of work, but it was not forthcoming. This frustrated me so I joined the Republican Party, partially in protest to the entrenched Democratic control of Philadelphia’s political system and Black voters.   In reading this, please note that I have a history of mental instability that has to be considered at any job I hold, but mostly I want to work for myself at my own company.  Most of the mental instability has stabilized itself after some 37 years of therapy and effective medications --  both of these effective healing elements { medications & therapy } I have successfully continued with.

2] I also joined the Republican Party because I feel the Republican Party, if stripped from its more extreme views, right-wing ideologies, hatefulness, and racism, is actually a more effective formation for success for Black people because the Republicans ``talk’’ about building a lucrative business foundation as opposed to relying of public works projects & social programs.  Like my Grandfather, Mr. Saint Clair Gibson, I want to see our Black people advance at business ownership, both small, middle sized and large businesses.  These businesses MUST be run properly & responsibly, be well-managed, be professional, & be unfettered by White, Arab, Asian or Latin interests, except where necessary and agreed upon, and have affordable, and have a top-flight Black security staff to protect us from harm and business interruptions.  We must also protect ourselves as Black business professionals and the Black businesses themselves from computer hacking, computer fraud, phone deceptions, mail fraud, government harassment, discrimination, and other social and or political concerns that are sometimes designed to stop Black businesses in their tracks.  In a nut shell, successful Black businesses running smoothly, are a much bigger asset and a much more effective stabilizing force in our Black community and among our Black people than social programs that are often washed away with elections, political bickering in Washington, on the state level, and of course, locally. Creating a source for Black jobs and Black financial self-sufficiency –individual and corporate sufficiency, -- is very important and has been proven to stabilize Black families, help our Black youth with their studies and with increasing good family values, and in helping us as Black people by creating balance and stability in Black churches, Black private schools, Black public schools and Black charter school. Turning towards a strong Black private business structure and way from unstable and fought-over public programs is a big plus for BLACK people, and many of us are learning this.

3] It cannot be stressed enough that the problems of racism, homophobia, transphobia, Xenophobia,  Islamophobia, sexism, discrimination against the disabled, awkward and outrageous religious  posturing, empty self-righteousness, are drawing  our Nation – which I call Turtle Island like the Native Americans call us --  dangerously close to  fanaticism and fascism.  These are real and present situations that the Republican Party must face head on, even as much of their established leadership plunges their heads in the sands and ignores such vital issues. On the world stage, the fight against Communism is still waged, even as Russia and Cuba are becoming viable trading partners with many dollars to share and invest in our country, our communities, and our Black people. Such trade must be supported, not curbed….   Such ideological political lines { Communism Vs. Capitalism }  are meaningless because what matters is if a country can feed Her people, & share in the rich human world experience, while using negotiation, cultural exchanges, educational exchanges, cooperation to gain from the natural human quest towards true freedom & economic stability. The world establishment of effective populist democracy can only gain from such honest and uncorrupted sharing of culture & financial wealth. Honest citizens want peace and honesty in our foreign policies and in the honest creation of such far-reaching, and decent government & individual policy considerations.  The fair payment of REPARATIONS must be part of this glorious puzzle, as well…  . Force and weaponry are outmoded, dangerous, and life threatening. Weapons must be, as late Radio Host Reggie Bryant of WURD and the Point says, weapons must be ``thrown into the ocean.’’   People should always come before money, and this is something the Republicans have yet to learn.  My feeling is Revolutionary & progressive Black People are just the right People to teach this lesson to the Republicans { & the Democrats } and this is also part of the reason I joined the Republican Party.

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