Saturday, May 25, 2019

Clearing up a pervious statement By Tracy Charles Gibsn, Almighty GOD

The following statement is written by Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson, Almighty GOD!

I wrote the following statement  under duress. I asked a friend of mine does he know How much money the Central Intelligence Agency has as their annual budget? I then said such money is NOT used for their agents and analysts to sit around and spin their thumbs. It is an exorbitant amount of money and there are some 11 other intelligence agencies besides the Central Intelligence Agency.  I could NOT get this information from a search on Google. There are agents who have dropped out of the Central Intelligence Agency who have written books about what goes on inside the agency and some of that work, not all of which is dastardly, includes brain washing. Please keep in mind that I have worked hard to do just the opposite of what is written in the following statement. Here, below, is what I wrote a few days ago,

``dear Lord Our GOD
Please disallow any funds in any denomination to be paid in any way from the British Crown to any church in the United States or anywhere else as any kind of payment especially any reparations payment.''

Then I signed this statement.

I want you to get much more than you have, even if you think you are doing well. You need money for self-discover, self-awareness, healing, recovery from additions, recovery from the self-hate you may not be aware of or want to admit.  I know I have worked long and hard hours FOR REPARATIONS for myself, FOR Black people and, believe it or not, most recently, for all of humanity. At the same time, I have written a statement about HOW to save decency among all of humanity by making sure everybody gets more money and knows HOW best to spend it responsibly. With this process, no one would have to do without. This statement of hope and sharing ( not the one below), has been erased from my computer system once and the second time I had difficulty saving it again. I want to share it with you. I will keep working at it, but this work needs financial support. I will keep applying for grants, but ``the system'' has taken away three Grant Writer's information { I put an advertisement on Craig's List a few weeks ago and three people answered } and I still have very little money for even the most basic things at home like decent, healthy organic food, modest clothing, and the cost of modest transportation. ( Yes, I take SEPTA ). I do NOT live in a mansion, and I do NOT have servants and plush living circumstances. This is my present situation. I live in a small apartment and do NOT plan on moving, even if there is money. I will see if the information I speak of ( The economic sharing information ) was erased a second time shortly.  Please also note that typos have - in the past - been placed strategically, in many of my articles. This is to confuse and anger would-be supporters. I do not have the personnel to go back and check on my writing everyday. I want you to have faith in yourself first because I am still being harassed and discriminated against, but I need you to have good ethics, and good values. Not only traditional values found in the Bible, but simple values of seriousness and thoughtfulness found in your heart. I am here for you with consistency, dignity and honor as much as I can be for as long as I can be. (Don't think this is easy, because I have my own issues ). Remember what your expectations of GOD are may well be completely different from mine. Please read ``TRUST,'' By IYANLA VANZANT. SHE may well be as much or more of a GOD than I am! No, I'm NOT kidding! So may have been Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott-King, Martin Luther King, Junior, and Malcolm X ( Malik el-Shabazz ). So may you be or you may be working towards GODlyness and decency yourself. Just listening to music that stands for righteousness, justice, economic sharing, peace and honor is very important. ( I will let you decide what that music is for yourself ). There are people who don't want that to happen, but your faith is strong and I honor this in you!

 Tracy Charles Gibson

Almighty GOD


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