Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Order ``Let the Children Gather,'' By Tracy Gibson

What is ``Let the Children Gather’’ by Tracy Gibson  About – & How to order this important Book.
** It has been several long years of work, planning & toil for me – your Brother Tracy Gibson – to be able to say I have finally published a real book through more regular channels.  I became a serious writer at the age of 8 – if only in my mind’s eye. I knew I wanted to be a writer and wrote for my High School newspaper at University City High School.  I like to write to heal people and create an atmosphere of understanding and hope. I have also been accused of making matters worse by using strikingly critical and biting words that have sometimes hurt feelings. Usually such words are reserved for people who are themselves rather hateful, negative, and backbiting. I try very hard to be loving, caring and kind. This book: ``Let the Children Gather’’ however, has some stinging criticism reserved for people like Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger. The purpose of this book is to give vision, direction and a clear conscious to many of the views held by many of our young Black men. We also want to help Black youth turn their anger into more helpful emotion such as LOVe, devotion, creative
community work, and helping our Black community. Not being a detriment to our people and our Black community.   You have to log onto www.LULU.Com to order a copy access here:
**  ``Let the Children Gather,’’ is a small short book (54 pages) of poetry that retails for $10.00. It serves our community well even though you must be forewarned that it does include some curse words. The curse words are there because the book is here to bring Black young anger under control. To do this, the book helps young Black men especially turn that anger into useful expressions of LOVe. That LOVe will help turn our Black community around and turn it into a place we as Black people can all live in and work together in peacefully & with harmony.  (OK, I know it ain’t that easy, but some profits from the book’s sale will go towards helping already existing & new  programs devised to help Black youth honestly face the many issues that have been holding them back. Such issues as: good, wholesome, solid home training; listening to & Respecting elders; having a positive can-do attitude; getting training to overcome drug use & poverty; not gossiping; staying in school; getting focused on education or starting a business; keeping clean and taking care of hygienic issues; not having children too early; not being duped into military service; staying away from illegal, un-prescribed drugs – selling or buying; being thrifty with money; learning Black history & the intrinsic value of our Black people & their labor; building a good value and good ethical foundation;  getting political knowledge independently; becoming Black Kings & Black Empresses instead of people with no hope & a bad word at every turn; taking one’s appearance, health, & nutrition very seriously; etc.)  In other words what we support is about helping the entire Black family. (Ask for a copy of our company’s 2015 Annual Report.)
** (If you send us your e-mail address we can send you our list of over 300important books for our youth to be reading instead of watching TV or listening to destructive rap music).    Send your e-mail address to me at BlackExecutive46@GMail.Com and put: ``Concerned about Black Youth’’ in the subject line. I’ll get right back to you. Call and leave more information on the phone. Be specific about what you need. Tell us where the poetry readings are in Philadelphia: 1 (215) 823 9985. We thank you!!! labor donated.

Research -- Public Relations
Idea Creation & Development
Writing -- Philanthropy
Black Community Relations
Support for Small Businesses
Books (On order or at www.LULU.Com Available now)
Look for ``Let the Children Gather'' under Tracy Gibson's name.
Tee-Shirts (to Come)
Black Greeting Cards (To Come)
Contact us at: Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated
Post Office Box 42878
Philadelphia, Common's Wealth of Pennsylvania
1 215 823  9985
Building Black Community Loyalty; Creating an Advanced Black culture.

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