Saturday, June 8, 2019

Ethical LOVe for the earth and human kind

Emissary for BLACK PEOPLE – Statesman  - Businessman – Scholar – Writer  - Educator - Promoter – Philanthropist June 8, 2019 -  Saturday
Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson
Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of
Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, Incorporated { and our six subsidiaries }
Home office 670 North 41st Street
Apartment B
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19104 – 5202
1 215 823 9985  - Blog Access: http://ThePoliticsofREAL.BLOGSPOT.COM

Research Ecologist
United States Department of Agriculture
Philadelphia Field Station
100 North 20th Street, Suite 205
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
My Dear Ms Lara Roman,
I want to thank you first of all for your wonderful kindness and courteousness at the Job Conference and Opportunity Fest from Congressman Dwight Evans just hours ago today. It was great to meet you.  I was so very glad to hear that you have some contacts with Native Americans that will be useful to me in my most excellent work.  I live in another country than you do. Please don’t take offense, but I live in Turtle Island, which is what the Native People call North, Central and South America.  This affords me a much more balanced and holistic aspect to every second of my existence here on this precious earth. You see, I am not an ``american’’ buying goods and services and trying to strive and struggle to ``make it’’ every day. I am an honest advocate and a dedicated agitator { like the Honorable Frederick Douglas and many others}  an agitator for those left out and those who must be given proper rights and privileges to their existence, due justice, due REPARATIONS, due sharing of wealth and due sharing of resources such as clean, fresh water, healthy and nutritious foods, and due natural energy resources.  Open and free access to these are a right, not a privilege as the corporate world would have us believe. While you may not agree with my ideas, I also come from a background of growing corporate interests, so melding these theories and ideas is a large part of what I do, among many other things. I get up excited and work hard. The problem is a lack of financial resources that I know will be coming very soon.  I don’t want money under the table or a job that taxes me out of this world.  I am willing to pay taxes unlike some of our bigger corporations. I want to hire several hundred people, and own restaurants, schools, hospitals, and factories.  I have been working at this for several years, but most of what I have is still in theory. Yet, what I am doing is generating much support from the Black community and the progressive community around the world. I cannot prove this yet, but I know in my deepest soul and my deepest Spirit this is true. I have promised the Native American people that one day soon I will come to visit them on a reservation out in the South West. I have no resources to do this, but I know GOD will make a path for this to happen. I want you to look over my resumes and tell me what job {s} I might be qualified to work at as a consultant., at my own pace and with great honor and dignity. Being a BLACK Gay person does NOT preclude me from working with such honor and dignity.   I have a tremendous amount of work to do on a regular basis, but I work hard and have a string of successes. None of my work has paid off financially, as far as I can tell right now, but this is changing also. I have been given a petition to sign for the President’s impeachment. I have NOT signed it. The reason is that perhaps Mr. Trump will come around to being fair and more level-headed if He has a second term. If not, I would like to see a Republican who is fair, level-headed, honorable, of the grass roots, articulate, a peacemaker, a statesman, a leader of men and women { and even a leader of those with differing personal identities }, and a bridge instead of a divider.  You see, believe it or not, I am also a Republican. I joined the Republican Party two years ago wanting to teach the Republican Party and its leadership lessons about racism and fairness. The Republican Party has great ideas, but those ideas must be implemented in a Way so as to make those ideas and the finances that come with them available to every person in Turtle Island, not just the rich. This is what all accepted parties in Turtle Island must live up to if they are to be truly great and truly accepted by the People. Please use your influence to work in my favor if at all possible. And I will keep you in my Prayers and thought in a positive Way.  I do not have enemies. I have friends I have not met and I want to work with all kinds of People all over the world. One this I LOVe to do is raise money for groups like the Urban League and the Urban Coalition. They do great work and must be supported. I also am a member in great standing of the Native American Rights Fund. They do all kinds of work in helping this great land of ours be more environmentally sound, with clean water, fresh air, and land rights for inner city dwellers who have lived in those areas for generations, not just for the gentry and developers to make money. I would LOVe to make money in a noble, honest, forward-thinking, positive, and dignified Way, not just as an outside agitator who hasn’t much food at home and the rent for next month due. I hope you can help me with these endeavors. I look forward to hearing from you. I am very pleased to  have met you. Again, remember GOD walks with those who want to protect the earth, its natural resources and all GOD’s children, all 8.9 billion of us.    

Gratefully True,
Peace and Blessings,
Wisdom Seeker,
Almighty GOD,
Tracy Charles Gibson

CC; Christopher Nelson, City of Philadelphia; Lynn Oliver, Transportation Security Administration; Jim King, Sugar House Casino; Fair Housing Association; Sitting Congressman Dwight Evans; Lynn Washington, Journalist; Equal Employment Opportunities Commission; Denzel Washington, actor, producer.

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