Thursday, April 5, 2018

Black Men of BLACK essence

Black Men

     You are more delicious than a cream puff or chocolate ice cream or a chocolate eclair or a chocolate cup cake, or a red velvet cup cake.  You are bold and beautiful. You are brass and sassy.  You are in LOVe with my being in LOVe with you, regardless of your sexual appetite for men or women.   I believe Jesus was a BLACK homosexual, but if I say that the entire Black church will come down on me like… I LOVe Jesus and our Black African children are my bosses.  But I have to wonder why Jesus was never talked about as to when He was a child. The Bible doesn’t say much about that. All the King’s men were also probably Gay. Do you see any BLACK women around much? Saying this can get you pinched. I LOVe Black women, but not you know, that way.  I LOVe Black men because the pain they represent of their ending [  [ [ [ [ today at 4: 05 P.M. ] their ending slavery is fantastical and beautiful. [ Don't ever hurt yourselves or your Brothers, sisters or children or anyone at all, because you are too good for that.] We only have to deal with ourselves and improving ourselves.  Before GOD, we are only like GOD Him / Her self. When I say I Am GOD, people miss the second statement. I Am no more GOD than you are. That is the second part.  Black men have the most beautiful powerful asses and feet and teeth in the world. I LOVe them. Even the fat ones and the ones people think are not ugly.  I want to put them into movies. I want still photographs of beautiful Black men. I want to see them naked before GOD. Natural, nice naked. Clean, beautiful naked. Black male nudity is a gift from GOD.  Ole Black men young Black men. In between Black men. Call it an obsession. Call it a study. Call it part of my life's work.   I want to be in LOVe with just one, who will understand I Am in LOVe with us all. I want a man who will understand I Am constantly having a mental affair with every Black man in the world. I can’t stop. It won't stop. It is like the unstoppable locomotive in the DenzeL Washington Film ``Unstoppable.’’ Did you ever look back at how beautiful, fine and attractive Hank Gathers was? ``Let the Children Gather,’’ is the name of my book. You can get it on .  Please buy one for $10.00 because I LOVe the work I do , but I need your support. Send me information about your company and I’ll support you as well.  I want to take nothing away from Black women.  These are and remain mostly your Black men.  But I will not relinquish my right to look and appreciate.  They are like a sad trumpet player, turned happy. They are like a Black child’s smile. They are like a panther or a leopard.  They are like GOD.  They are peanut butter and vanilla ice cream. They are smooth and lovely.  There are no other men cooler.  Forget about the cool President of the U.S. Obama, have you ever seen Huey P. Newton in that swanky wing-backed bamboo chair from the 1970’s? That is a GOD. I tell you that is a GOD. Before you divorce your Black man, go to a therapist and see if you can save the relationship.  If He won’t go, then you have rights to give him up, like I did with L.T.  Don’t think I don’t still LOVe L.T., but now I turn my interests towards R.R.B. WOW! What a Black hunk.  Sweet, smart, Street smart, revolutionary and beautiful.  LOVe you just the Way you are. Sweet, revolutionary, smart and beautiful. Arewa in Yoruba. Beauty. 

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