Saturday, July 27, 2019

Escaping Poverty July 27th, 2019 Saturday.

JULY 27th, 2019 Saturday
From Tracy Gibson
670 North 41st Street
Apartment - Office B
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 – 5202
1 – 215 – 823 – 9985

By Tracy Gibson
   **Poverty is not a dead end without an opening for escape.  There are people living without shelter right under our noses at Vine Street near 19th Street right on the way to or from the Free Library, main branch.  They are stretched out laying near and or around a statue of Galusha Pennypacker.  When I see this my heart sinks and I think that we as a city could do so much better. As a nation we in Turtle Island’s North America { The U.S.} could do so much better.   Being ever vigilant is not enough.  We often have chosen the wrong tactics or have given up or don’t vote, or just feel frustrated and head for the bar or the nearest illegal drug dealer.  DON’T GIVE UP! Here are some tactics you might not have thought of:
** Ask and demand that BLACK people in power – the BLACK private sector, the BLACK elected officials, BLACK church and BLACK civic leaders – ask them for a ``HOMELESS UNIVERSITY’’ specifically designed to teach homeless people { People living without shelter} about how to budget money better; how to respect themselves by refusing to eat the poor-quality food offered by the Church Missions and food pantries; cook for themselves; not visit stores like WAWA, McDonalds, Burger King, Hardy’s, Wendy’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Bob’s Big Boy - which flourish off of poor-people’s dollars and offer nothing back to stem the falling tides of poverty - and go to Salad Works, BLACK VEGETARIAN PLACES LIKE HABISCUS AT 49th and Baltimore Avenue, and Sweet Greens at 40th and Walnut Street instead or, even better, cook at home, if YOU have a place to stay;; Cook low salt, low fat, tasty foods omitting foods like white rice, white potatoes, white breads, pork, beef and fatty oils { These cooking techniques can be taught at the New Homeless University};learn how also, to stay away from illegal drugs, illegally-gained prescription medicines, alcohol, cigarettes, and the human trafficking culture; learn how to contact people in the community who are responsible, reliable, hard-working and honest – there are plenty – and learn how to avoid much of the technologies that are separating our people and pitting our people against one another; learn inner strength through music and other media choices.  
     ** Making it off of pennies is not an option. We need to introduce legislation that demands the quadrupling of disability benefits, welfare payments, food stamps, and other government plans. The rich will get richer because the poor will have more money to spend on good and services owned and distributed by corporations owned by the wealthy. The middle class will expand. More store ownership by formerly poor people will commence.  Poor people will be able to lift themselves out of poverty. THIS IS A WIN-WIN SITUATION. I tell you, this is not rocket science. My father was a rocket scientist. I know what I’m talking about. READ MORE ON MY BLOGS at http://ThePoliticsofREAL.BLOGSPOT.COM
     **Meanwhile, watch more educational video on You Tube and read more books. (Write me for my book list). The endless mind-numbing and dumbing down of media will turn around as public expectations grow for more diverse and educational media. Watch movies like ``The Learning Tree’’ and ``Sounder’’ and ``Hunter Killer,’’ ``Five on the Black Hand Side,’’ ``12 Years a Slave,’’ ``Green Book,’’ and ``The Hunt for RED October.’’ Listen to songs like those by Caston and Majors ``Light in My Window,’’ and Stevie Wonder’s older songs like ``Living for the City’’ and some of Marvin Gaye’s tunes like ``What’s Goin On.’’ 
     **Get plenty of rest and exercise. Join Planet Fitness when they have a One-Dollar special. Stay there when you need rest. If you have a locker you should be able to stay there for at least three hours when you are on the street and can’t get to the Free Library.
**Also: If you are brave and really angry don’t steal ANYTHING! What I want you to do is go to the supermarket and place everything you dream of buying in the shopping cart and take it to the front of the line and say ``Sorry Miss, or Sir, I don’t have any money to pay for this.’’ Let them put the food back. Don’t do this at a Black supermarket like the Fresh Grocer at Broad and Jefferson. Go out in the Burbs to GIANT or an elite market. They can’t arrest you for forgetting you don’t have any money. {IF WE LIVED IN A DECENT COUNTRY YOU WOULD HAVE MONEY. THERE IS NOT EXCUSE FOR THE GREEd AND FINANCIAL DISRESPECT!} . }  I felt embarrassed doing this but I have done it in the past and experienced a good feeling of taking action that helps make waves of change. Tell them GOD Almighty told you to do this, if they ask questions.

** If you are an activist, don't let them criminalize you just because you have political work to do.  STAY WITHIN THE letter of the LAW don't even JAY WALK or jump over the turnstile at SEPTA stations. Work to keep hygiene up as much as possible. I am not being hurtful when I ask you to take a bath. I have to also. If I had a magic wand I would make sure you have the things you need. Go to your doctor's appointments and therapy appointments and share as much as possible in therapy.  I have to also. Believe me, I know these things are not easy, but they pay off. Sometimes it doesn't take long! 
**Write me with your ideas. I promise to give you credit for the ideas as I am able to. 1 - 215 - 823 - 9985
Gratefully TRUE,
Peace, Justice, Economic Sharing,
GOD Almighty,
Tracy Gibson

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