Wednesday, December 19, 2018

some thoughts on BLACK self-LOVe

     I don’t think most Black people, the world over, have any idea of How sacred they are. No matter who they are or How old they are.  We have a secret ability to share and LOVe when others turn away, hate, and destroy. We learn such things from people foreign to ourselves.

    If we could stop long enough to say thank you when someone in our community gives us something sweet like a small loan that changes our fortune, or just a smile and a small pat on the shoulder.  GOD would look at us and Bless us with the Blessings we really need and want.  We have the powers to Bless ourselves, if we could stop spending wealth with others and spend wealth with Black People.


     Natural men and Natural women, we are children of GOD and GODs ourselves. Not wanting to hurt, kill or laugh viciously at anyone. Seeking only to have basic things and raise our children and make LOVe to our mates. We don’t ask for much, but are given sometimes, less than nothing and asked to be humble and thankful, when we see some others with so much, often stolen from us.


     I don’t want us to ever lose our faith in GOD and our ability to forgive, move forward, ask for and receive from GOD and each other.  If we could just put down that glass of alcohol, that cigarette, and those illegal drugs long enough to make the difference for ourselves -- we are destined to make this world a much better place. We find GOD smiling on us forever.

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