Friday, January 22, 2016

A Whole New Level of Activism -- Buy Stocks in the worst Companies and advocate for positive change. Suggestion from In These Times.

A Whole New Level of Activism: Using the Purchase of Stocks & Bonds to Make A Black Radical & Progressive Point About Black Business Development & The Need for Our Black Children to be Taught & Supported Properly

When you buy stock(s) in the following companies, please don’t just sit on your stocks and Bonds. Call the companies and ask How to get a copy of their annual reports; call and ask when and How you can attend their Boards Meetings; & Ask who is the President, CEO or Founder; Or even Vice President and How you can get them a hand written or typed and signed letter stating your gripes and complaints about the company and How they can improve on corporate policy. (This concept of activism was written up in the progressive magazine ``In These Times’’ recently. I strongly urge you to get a copy of ``In These Times’’ by writing ``In These Times’’ at: 2040 Milwaukee Avenue; Chicago, Illinois  60647 – 9942. Beloved & Celebrated Progressive Author Kurt Vonnegut ``Slaughter House Five’’ (1922-2007) was the Senior Editor of ``In These Times’’ for Quite some time.

We suggest buying stock in the following companies (There are a few non-profits and progressive companies scattered throughout this list): 8 Brothers; The Businesses of Bro. Tracy Gibson & Assoc., Inc. (Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated); American Express; The Businesses of Brother- Doctor Keith Hunter; Chase Manhattan Bank; The Colours Organization; Citizen’s Bank; AT&T; Comcast; ABC; CBS; Hill & Knowlton Public Relations; NBC; Shell Oil; Citgo Oil; Paramount; Getty Oil; Nestles Company; Municipal Bonds from The City of Philadelphia; Municipal Bonds from the City of Chicago; Municipal Bonds from the City of Los Angeles; Municipal Bonds from the City of Atlanta; Exxon / Mobil Oil Corporation; Monsanto Company; Hershey’s Company; Wal-Mart; Wall-Greens; Waste Management; HOW Realty Company; Rite Aid; Coca Cola; Pepsi Cola; McDonalds Corporation; Fresh Grocer; MGM Films; Warner Cable; Whole Foods; Time / Warner Publishing ; OWN Network; Socks & Jocks; Victoria’s Secret; Oprah Magazine; Playboy Magazine & Publishing Company; Halliburton Corporation; Verizon Corporation; The Corporation for Public Broadcasting; Areal Investments; The New York Times; The Washington Post; The Philadelphia Tribune Company; Sony Pictures; The Kimmel Center; Kentucky Fried Chicken; Yahoo; Popeye’s Chicken, Incorporated; www.Google.Com;   Burger King; Wendy’s Hamburgers;  Temple University; Dow Chemical; General Electric; The  Bowing Corporation.; (1) Lockheed Martin  (USA); (5) Northrop Grumman (USA); (8) United Technologies (USA) These companies (Above) are among the 10 largest arms-producing and military services companies in the world excluding China, for 2013.

If you need help writing the letter(s) you want to send to the companies you have invested in, please call my corporation --  Bro. Tracy Gibson & Assoc., Inc. (Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Incorporated) at 1 215 823 9985. Leave a message. Each letter cost $30.00 to send. Fifty % discounts are available to Community activists, the poor, The Homeless (or Home Challenged), deeply concerned citizens & Black youth. All you have to do is ask.  Do not just buy products without knowing something about the companies you are buying from, even if you take your own time yourself and just look them up on or in www.Wickapedia.Com & do your own research & write your own letters. There is one of our outlines for a letter to the United Negro College Fund at the end of this statement.

*Special Note to some existing supporters such as: Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson (Our President & Chief researcher; Ms Eve Clark-Thornton; Doctor & Mrs. Keith Hunter; The Estate of Mr. Charles Saint Clair Gibson & Mrs. Jessie Mae Gibson-Thornton; Mr. Kamau S. Gibson Hunter; Mr. Muata Gibson Hunter; Ms Thandiwa Gibson Hunter; Anoa Gibson Hunter Dridzienyo  & Her Husband Yofe Dridzienyo; Ms Carla Harris, Mr. Bruce H. Harvey; Mr. Raymond Haywood; Mr. Eddie Frank; Ms Charlotte Harris & Mr. Arnett Woodall; Mr. Cleo Manago: I will write two letter for you (The People listed Above) because we already have an existing business relationship and because you have good standing in the Black community --  I will write two letters for you at no charge or cost to you. This is a $60.00 value as each letter cost $30.00 for research and for writing, consulting with our clients & sending the letters by certified mail.   You can also write letters if you have not invested in any corporate stock as yet. (Ariel Investments is a major Black investment House in Chicago I Strongly suggest we all utilize them & ask about no-load investing.) . The goal is for these corporations to make plenty of money but only as they adhere to much more environmentally-friendly, People friendly, much less racist, much more Humane, much less exploitative policies in their daily running or daily operations. This activism concept is being included in our arsenal of Peace & non-violence weaponry because we believe that as we grow and change into a fully fledged democracy with total economic inclusion and great opportunities for Black People, Red People & Yellow People, & other non-Whites in the United States of Native America, we must be about such non-violent, progressive change and make that change lasting and permanent.  We must put appropriate pressure on the corporate structure to change in a positive Way even as we grow and develop our own Black businesses, make inroads politically in other Ways, support our Back community groups (that may be non-profit) & make positive & effective changes for Black People in other Ways. Remember, buying Municipal Bonds helps inner cities. Some of the other goals for this type of stock-buying activism include: building a Peace-Time economy; Building and supporting sustainability; Building Our Nation’s infrastructure; winding down the military industrial complex; humanizing and fully exposing the prison industrial complex;  Supporting efforts to include non-White races, especially Latin & Black races in the Nation’s and the World’s economy; Building up the environment as clean and safe—especially water and air; expanding opportunities to the poor, the homeless (or Home-Challenged), the disabled, women, sexual minorities, People of Colour, transgendered People, The Underdog & The Hopeless. (You can use some of your money from stock and bond investing to support the United Negro College Fund and other Progressive causes).


 Outline for the letter to The United Negro College Fund. Important Points!!. By Brother Tracy Gibson

1] We as Black People  need to support our Black students by providing pay for them to go to college, & full scholarships not $ for us to buy Big expensive Houses with movie studios in the basement . We should be ashamed of having so much for ourselves when many of our Black students have so little and not much of a chance to learn.

2]  We need to groom and pre-groom students for success, not see them as pawns for us as educators to make money off of. Ultimately there will be some students who have the wherewithal to become diplomats, major thinkers, major doers, inventors, scientists, statesmen (Not just politicians),  educators in their own right, scholars, business People, movers & shakers, leaders, strategists,  philanthropists, doctors, lawyers & world leaders,

3] We need to respect the illustrious traditions of Black educators. People like Professor Francis Cress Welsling; Bill Cosby; Cornell West; Carter G. Woodson; Alvin Puissant; Professor Ben; Huey P. Newton; Professor Smith from The Ohio State University;  Angela Davis; Mumia Abu Jamal; Denzel Washington; Malcolm X; Martin Luther King, Jr. ; Professor John Henrick Clark;  O. J. Smith; Reverend Lion Sullivan; Reverend Paul Washington; Reverend John Anderson; Reverend Miller (formerly of the Church of the Advocate);   Richard Pryor; Kaream Abu Jabar; Usef Latif; Queen Latif; Will Smith & Jada Pinket Smith; Ossie Davis & Ruby Dee;  Doctor J; Danny GloveR; Jill Scott; Gil Scott Heron;  (Look up Black educators). Female & Male.

4] Give them your list of important books to read.  Some 300 books in all.

5] We have to let our Black youths know we are about more than their survival, we are working for a better world for them and we want them to thrive, even in the face of racism, injustice, discrimination, hatred and White and Black stupidity, greed & indifference. They must not suffer, they must prosper.

6} We have to ask our Black parents to Stop using the idiot box {TV} as a baby sitter – far too easy. Our children must be taken out of the day care centers to museums, zoos, libraries, parks, social events, family get-togethers & family reunions, political events, church, yes church, and other appropriate social events & cultural events to rub elbows with the more intelligent and knowing of our Black race.

7] Use the Special school on Broad Street with school administrator Ms. Joyner The Charter School for Math and Science;  (Look in your personal phone book for proper name and look it up and get address. Mention that you once spoke with Her on the phone. 

8]  Mention actors like Kadeem Henderson {``Different World’’} & Lavar Burton (``Reading Rainbow’’ on Public Television) who have helped support and inspire Black students . Maya Angelou, movie director, actress -  poet [ She was great, but was she a ``safe’’ person to like. Even if She was ``safe’’ to LOVe, that doesn’t make Her unimportant – even though She once married a White man...  

9] Mention the short comings, ambitions, and life works and successes of People like Tyler Perry, &  Oprah & Spike Lee. Mention also People like Harry Belafonte & Lena Horn as educators.

10] Look up Basketball players who are Progressive & Black. (Kareem Abu Jabar, others still playing).

11] Mention that you are a Black Gay or Same Gender Loving Black man and How you have not allowed this to interfere with your work as a Black activist and human rights leader.

12] Mention your trips to Cuba & South Africa and your stent as a President of the World Affairs club to Canada, while in High School & your trip to Puerto Rico {While in High School}.

13 Some local Black males who inspired me include: Joseph Beam; Joe Bunch (now deceased); Brother Joe Dennis;  Revered Jeffrey Haskins; Reverend Brian Robinson; Carlos Carter; Phil Hughes ; Carl Jackson; Reverend B.J.; Raymond Haywood who sings at church; Richard & Gregory & Brother Ralph (Be-Love-Now) – with the Black Nationalist Tee-Shirts and Brother Ron McCoy of the Blacks in Antiquity Study Group; & Attorney Michael Coard; and Bishop Carl Bean & Senator Cory Booker {Of New Jersey}; & Brother Bruce H. Harvey.

14] Mention How thankful you are for your church and Spiritual and Religious life—How it saved your life.

15] Mention other ethnic groups like the Native Americans, the Asians & The Muslims / Arabs; and Latin People. (Mention Cuba again and Brazil) also Japan being bombed by the U.S. and How many of them seem to have forgiven North Americans.

16] Mention The Museum Project you have proposed to the incoming Mayor of Philadelphia and being on a team of People to raise money for this project. [Major museums in Philadelphia for Arab / Muslim People; a refurbishing of the Black Museum here; and money for a major Asian Museum[ if they are going to take our money, and we should not allow this, we must learn who these People are and How they have also suffered under the rule of racism, which must be broken into a billion pieces and burned and destroyed without destroying and burning real people].

17] We must include Black People in the leadership of Mother Africa out of an age of oppression and into a light of great abundance, wealth, success, sharing and hope. We need planners to plan this and all kinds of professional People and tradesmen and common workers as well.  From AD 20 in the Great Library of Alexandria, Egypt & the auxiliary Great Library of my bedroom office. Signing, Brother Tracy Gibson.

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