Friday, March 13, 2015

The next time you think about using the word SH meaning Crap, think of these things.....

                                                             Crap, why we use it...

I am using the word Crap in place of the less useful word SH to make a few points. What word do you personally say when you are reaching heights with your partner in bed? Do you say the Name ``Jesus!!'' loud and clear -- which, by the Way, He might not appreciate either. Or do you say the word SH. I notice a lot of Brothers in adult films, which I enjoy watching and which I constantly analyze, a lot of Brothers in these films say SH. I NEVER hear them say Jesus. Have they been forbidden to say Jesus? I wonder. How does one find this kind of information out.

Another thing about crap is that it is used as a fertilizer and is part of the good earth under our feet. I would guess, I'll have to do the research, part of the earth and dirt is actually about 33% crap.  If it wasn't for crap we would NOT have the flowers, birds , trees and crops we take for granted each and every day.  Kind of changes the way we call someone who we perceive as really dumb and stupid as a SH head a bit. Kind of changes the tables around and makes us think of the words we use everyday that are so-called curse words. We use them and leave a trail of tears and never remember how much we may have really hurt someone.

A Caucasian person back at a major magazine I used to work for used to tell People very often, to eat SH and die. I was always very offended by this use of the Queen's English. I never said anything. The person, I thought, was just being obnoxious, evil & petty. He thought he had a better more administrative job than I did. I guess he was right. I lost my job because, partly because, I was a bit too open about my homosexuality at work, having pictures of attractive men on my desk.  I also had a string of very difficult and painful nervous upsets [read breakdowns], at work that my psychiatrist liked to call nervous upsets. When He first said this ``upsets'' I was upset because it seemed to belittle the pain. Later I learned just how mentally ill our whole social structure is and the picture of what we must do as activists became that much more clear. My Sister, who I think is Brilliant, says this work will take generations. If we keep ignoring the seriousness if what is happening to us and the world, it will take longer and perhaps NEVER happen. Check out what Sistah Coretta Scott King said:
"Be true to who you are. Don't worry how others may view you. Society is ill, infected with racism, homophobia, and violence. Always remember, it is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to such a profoundly sick society."  Coretta Scott King
Oh CRAP!! Coretta didn't play around!!!

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