Friday, September 19, 2014

A Letter to the Pope: Pope Francis...

September 19th, 2014, Friday...

From: Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson

Phone Number
E: Mail

Dear Pope Francis:

I hope you are well. I also hope I have not caused you too much trouble. A few weeks ago I sent you a letter requesting funds and claiming I was Jesus.  I sent a lock of my own hair as if to prove something. I should have just said I am struggling with mental illness [bipolarism with schizophrenic features], but that I'm doing quite well and have not had to be hospitalized for mental illness in over 10 years. I apologize for any difficulty or problem I may have caused you or your office. All I want right now is to live happy and free, help myself get better, have more mentally stable friends, make about $50,000.00 a year as an activist or advocate for Black People & Poor People and have a good solid relationship with a new handsome, professional Black man. I Pray all the time for these things. I don't think the FACT that I'm a homosexual should hold me back. I basically LOVe People and want to work for World Peace and the betterment of our North American Society.  I try not to have any enemies or make enemies. I LOVe people and nature and my Family and Friends & GOD with All my heart. I accept the gift of GOD's allowing me to walk on this earth with humbleness and Grace each Day. I LOVe GOD and just want to work to do His merciful Gracious work on this earth. Thank you for listening,

Peace and Blessings,

Tracy Charles Gibson


Brother Tracy Gibson
Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer:
Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Inc.
Progressive & Revolutionary Research; Education; Philanthropy; Public Relations; & Writing.
And The Black Millionaire's Network A Financial Education Project and Subsidiary of our Parent Company: Brother Tracy Gibson & Associates, Inc.
Post Office Box 42878
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101-2878
Brother Tracy11atGMail.Com
African Name: Kokayi; Full Legal Name: Mr. Tracy Charles Gibson.
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