Thursday, June 29, 2017

who Serve Their Country

A Message to the Men and Women who Serve their Country, Turtle Island.

   I have great respect for you.  However, in the past, when you were the armed and decorated solders of the United States of America, you were constantly misled by our government and made to do a great deal of dirty work to maintain a level of comfort for  the few and the White [mostly], but maintain a level of real oppression and exploitation for far too many people of color and even White poor people.

     I have no real power that I know of except the power of a man in front of a computer and a typing board and the powers that GOD has given me. I don’t fully know How to utilize those powers. If I did and if they were great, the world would be a much different place.

     I ask that you not sit still and allow our government, in its present state and form, do things that you feel are unjustified, illegal, illrighitious, of unethical without hearing from you as an organized power and an organized voice.  Not just the veterans among you, but also the enlisted and active-duty women and men who want to speak out, must be able to do so.

     You have options. You can write letters anonymously, you can petition the government anonymously, you can ask you friends state-side to make their voices and your voices heard, you can buy stocks with your pay in progressive and revolutionary companies, you can buy stocks in companies that are awful politically [discriminators, polluters, haters of humanity, etc.] and make your voices of decent known among those companies or corporation’s Boards and Directors and their Presidents, Founders and Chief Executive Officers. I am not demanding that you do this. I am saying this is something you can do to continue in the armed forces and keep aor develop a good conscious. You can also petition your government, your congress people, your governor, your community leaders, and your families about starting a Peace Time Economy where you would get active-duty non-war, non-threatening jobs that would never find your lives to be in danger.  You must also, if you can and want to, no matter if you are straight of Gay, you must, in good conscious, petition your government to never hold you back for expressing your sexuality in a wholesome, open and acceptable Way, if that is what you want to do.  

  All these things I am asking you to do, not requiring you to do. I also think you must write your new leadership, the Native American People.  Some of the organizations you should write and pledge yu allegiance to include The Native American Rights Fund, The National Congress of American Indians; and the American Indian College Fund.  Sned them a few dollars. This takes courage. I can only ask you to do this. I cannot demand it, but I feel it is very important, or I would not have taken the time to write you about it. 

     Stand up for yu rights. Don’t take losing any rights laying down. Read some good books and listen to the news and traditional news sources less.  You will find yourself having more courage to fight the battle at home as well as find yourself closer to GOD. If you want to write me, you may do so at,


I LOVe, you and Respect your decisions to not do anything at all of take an active role in freeing our cuintry from the grips of those who are trying to balance us towards destruction, isolation and regret.  GOD Bless you.




Brother Tracy Gibson,

President and Founder and Chief Executive Officer of

Brother Tracy Gibson and Associates, INC.

A corporation dedicated to building a great and balanced foundation for Black People internationally.

670 North 41st Street

Apt. B

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

1 (215) 823 9985

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